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Scam Forum: SIM Swap Attacks (NAPSA)

The National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) Monthly Scam Advice Forum

The topic for March is “SIM Swap Attacks”

Cybercriminals are hijacking phone numbers to bypass security, access financial accounts, and steal identities. This presentation will break down how SIM swap attacks happen, the devastating consequences for victims, and the latest law enforcement efforts to combat this growing threat. Featuring a real case study, we’ll dive into an actual investigation to reveal how these crimes unfold—and how you can protect yourself.

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Special Agent Daniel Latham has served with the FBI since 2016, beginning in Los Angeles with complex financial crime investigations before shifting to cybercrime. His work has focused on SIM swaps, malware, and computer intrusions, including leading the FBI’s Qakbot malware takedown in August 2023.

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