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Social Isolation and Financial Exploitation in Older Age (CFPB)

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB’s) Office for Older Americans is offering new webinars on protecting older adults from financial exploitation.

Many people are socially isolated and regularly feel lonely, according to the National Institutes of Health. Older adults are at higher risk for social isolation and loneliness due to changes in health and social connections that can come with growing older, including: hearing, vision, and memory loss; disability; trouble getting around; and the loss of family and friends.

Researchers who study elder abuse are finding that loneliness and dissatisfaction with personal relationships, along with an increase in digital technology usage, has significantly increased vulnerability to scams and other forms of elder financial exploitation.

The webinar will feature emerging research, as well as innovative programs, which shed light on interventions that may protect older adults from financial exploitation.

February 27

Scam Forum: Prize and Sweepstakes Scams (NAPSA)

March 6

Government Imposter Scams and Older Adults (CFPB)